Monday, October 24

Life in USA -- End of 2022

  1.  Inflation
  2. High Gasoline Prices
  3. High Food Prices
  4. Higher Prices at Restaurants
  5. Crime Increasing
  6. Violence Increasing
  7. Illegal Immigration Increasing
  8. Illegal Drugs Increasing (Fentanyl from China)
  9. Racism Increasing
  10. Media Outlets Censoring News
  11. Fake News
  12. CRT Taught in Public Schools
  13. Higher Taxes
  14. Higher Interest Rates
  15. Electric Vehicles Only for Wealthy
  16. COVID Lingering Around
  17. Supply Chain Shortage Lingering
  18. National Debt Increasing
  19. Economy Slowing Down
  20. Possible Recession

The Democrats are worried that Donald Trump is going to run for President again and they are doing everything in their power to try and stop that from happening...  and overlooking our southern border and what is being brought into this country...

Meanwhile Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton are being protected by the FBI and the mainstream media that includes:  CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and CBS...  so, why does our liberal media not want to publish the TRUTH???

I am not a Republican nor a Democrat nor am I a Liberal, but I am an a conservative who believes in a balanced budget and no debt as my wife and I have been debt free for over 15 years.  My college education was paid for by the GI Bill because I was in the military during the Vietnam War and was willing to serve my country...  and, this was when the military was HATED by the general public.

A woman should be allowed to do whatever the hell she wants to do to her body just like a man and we have a right to own guns, although I will never purchase a firearm myself.

Blacks only represent 12% of the American population and whites represent 60%, five times the voting power and yet we cater to the blacks because they cry racism and use slavery as an excuse for not being successful...  claiming it is a white privileged world...

Well...  I am white and had NO PRIVILEGE other than being born in the USA and being born in the South which is LOOKED DOWN UPON BY NORTHERNERS....

White privilege don't shit to me and never will.

I don't like the media telling me what news they are going to share with me and what news they are not going to share.

I HAVE A RIGHT TO HEAR BOTH SIDES and then use what little intelligence I have to figure out what I want to believe and what I don't want to believe...

YOU ARE TAKING AWAY MT RIGHT...  and that pisses me off.

These are my concerns and will form the foundation for how I vote in the midterms...  I am so sick and tired of Biden telling me our economy is healthy as hell which I know damn well it is not...  STOP LYING to me!!!

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