Tuesday, October 11

Retired and Writing Novels


In 2015 my wife and I retired...  our first order of business was to travel but after 5 years, we grew tired of the lifestyle and she began to read and watch Kdramas while I began to write novels...  to date I have written 7 of those little bad boys but one of them was partially destroyed online for some reason and has to be reconstructed which I am in the process of doing, once I edit the other 6...

Each of these novels is approximately 90,000 to 100,000+ words so they not been written in anykind of down and dirty fashion like poker.  A couple of scifi, a couple are spies, a couple are business practices, and one is about the sexual escapades at a small southern, christian college.

Right now, I am considering publishing them on Amazon through KDP but have not made that final decision.  Not sure what I am waiting for other than not wanting to get negative feedback I suppose.

Here they are:

1.  Earth's Hidden Keys:  Cosmic Priests break their vows -  obviously scifi but keys were hidden among the 12 major religions and need to be found and assembled in order to save earth.

2.  Holding On: a honeycomb of lies and deceit - is about a wealthy businessman trying to corner the honey bee market along with some other illegal practices and finally gets caught.

3.  Beyond the Milky Way - scifi, earth has evolved and has colonized several planets in our solar system...  a race of people from another dimension is planning to invade earth and the cosmic priest help defend humans from the predators.

4.  Hunting the Scorpion Scarab  -  takes place in Cairo, Egypt at the American University where a CIA agent is posing as a college professor to try and catch the Scorpion Scarab is plans and conducts global terrorist activities.

5.  Lost Creek Diaries - is about a small southern christian college and the prostitution ring that has been operating on campus since the civil war...  it all falls apart when a diary is found.

6.  Deception in Paris - a CIA spy story set in Paris and involves the Russians and Chinese who are stealing secrets from American companies.  The CIA agent in charge had a car accident and was in a coma for 10 years and is not trying to piece together his past life.  This is the one that needs to be reconstructed.

7.  Mega Billionaires:  controlling global resources - is about two group of global billionaires who are influencing drug trafficking, illegal immigration in the US, controlling and influence the news media and social media, as well as education and what the students read.  The violence between these groups for control shows an impotent global law enforcement who cannot stop them.

I have 7 novels that I would consider to be works in process and another 12 that are just in title form with minimal plot developments.

Writing for me is not just a hobby but has become a fun activity and helps me pass the day.

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