Sunday, October 9

Life Insurance Con

How many of you have LIFE INSURANCE???  I would suspect that a lot have purchased that nonsense in order to have peace of mind for you and your family.

The truth about life insurance is that you are betting that you DIE sooner than later...  or, at least after the probationary period.


Because you get the MOST MONEY for the least premiums...

Instead, you could be investing that money in a mutual fund so that by the time you die, you have more than twice what you life insurance company is going to pay you...

Yes, you could die prematurely but that's the risk that you must take if you want to wisely spend your money.

Unfortunately, most people let agents convince them that they could die before their time...  and if, you don't take out life insurance then you don't really care about your wife and children...  What a load of crap...


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