Thursday, February 3

Ramblings of a Southerner

I was born in Raleigh, NC and have lived my entire life except for a few years in North Carolina and Tennessee which to me means that I am a Southerner through and through.  In addition to being a Southerner, I am a Vietnam Veteran, spending a total of 6 years in the service of our country.  My political beliefs are LIBERAL but with conservative underpinnings.   Politics to me is a necessary evil like mother-in-laws and the problems that we have in this country in 2022 are the same problems we had in 1962...  which to me means that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have done a damn thing to correct the situation and this lack of action could be interpreted as no politician really wants to do anything about it.

The biggest problem in this country is not politics or racism or education or healthcare or law enforcement but WEALTH...

WEALTH brought about by uncontrollable and/or unregulated greed is destroying this country and all the other problems on which we focus our attention is simple a SMOKE SCREEN.

1.The WEALTHY should not be allowed to shelter their money nor should they be given tax benefits for their charitable gifts...  they should bear the burden for their success by paying higher taxes...  Their wealth comes from the fact that people have purchased their goods and services and without those purchases they would not be WEALTHY...

In essence, their money used to be OUR money...

My other ramblings are down below:

1.  Unless you are Alex Baldwin GUNS DON'T SHOOT THEMSELVES

2.  All currently employed cops should retire or leave and seek other employment opportunitiesl 3.  Parents should remove their children from public schools and seek out private schools

4.  All Americans should spend 3 years of their lives in the military after high school with the understanding that no all will be put in harm's ways based upon religious objections.

5.  All education and healthcare SHOULD BE FREE-OF-CHARGE

6.  All Americans should be provided with housing

7.  There should be term limits for all politicians that have been elected to office whether it is Federal, State, or local and especially in our US Congress in both the House and Senate.

8.  All high school students should be taught financial planning and investments and be forced to saved a specific amount of money each month once they start working in preparatrion for their retirement so that the government will eventually not have to pay out any Social Security funds.

9.  Our free market enterprise system should move as quick as possible into the area of robotics and artificial intelligence so that they can position this country in a competitive advantage with the rest of the world.  

10.  WEALTHY AMERICANS should take care of all the rest of the Americans rather than our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT whose main focus should be domestic security, military protection from the rest of the world, negotiating trade deals with other countries, and maintaining our survivability.

11.  WEALTHY individuals and companies should be responsible for any and all SPACE EXPLORATION...

Maybe there are others who feel as I do...  and, we can start a movement among the people...

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