Thursday, December 2

Opdivo Day At UT

Today, was Opdivo day...  with a 7:30 am arrival time that forced me to leave home no later than 6:30 am and an alarm setting of 5:50 am which to me is no different than 6:00 am but those extra 10 minutes gives me an opportunity not to feel like I m rushed and make a cup of coffee before I leave.

I see the Oncologist every other month and this appointment was set with the doctor so he could review the results of my CT scan that I had on Monday.  My results were good however there were a couple of spots that around a millimeter of growth which is almost insignificant...  but, for me, growth is growth.

My Oncologist did not appear to be too worried with the results and said that we were going to proceed as we have in the past....  in other words, there will be no changes in my treatments.

However, when I asked about the discoloring on both of my forearms and if that was caused by the treatment, he first comment was, "they aren't bruises?", to which I replied NO.  So, after examining them further, he was concerned about why there was blood just under the skin and wanted me to see a Dermatologist.

After 13 years of treatment and going into my 14th year in 2022, I am grateful that my recent test results are extremely positive and hope that this positive rhythm will follow me forward.

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