Sunday, October 10

Sunday Afternoon No Apologies Day

For my entire life, I have always had to make apologies to someone that I have offended because my thruths were too blunt for their sensitive ears...  odd when one thinks about it...  isn't it...  how someone does not want to hear the truth...  and, I am reminded of the phrase...                                                    "the truth will set you free but first it will piss you off..."                                                and, I suppose that is what happened to them...  they were set free by me...

I have my own truths with which to deal that are hardly ever very pleasant for me to hear but I hear them nonetheless and am amazed by their forthrightness and in the way they humble my soul and the spirit that serves it...

We are creatures of our our devices some of which are not deserved for others and some of which are deserved for everyone...  and, it is these truths that one is reluctant to hear...  so, I apologize not for what I say nor do I apologize for what I do or what I might think...  as it is my right to be like this and have no friends at all...  few to none is better than having many insincere ones...

I am elated that I no longer have to go to work and put up with the bullshit that comes out of the mouths of bosses who typically have their heads so far up their asses that they need glasses bellybuttons out of which to see...  imagine that???  

I have had many bosses who have been like that...  and, I suppose that when I was a boss, I was like that too...  as it is typical for bosses to be assholes because that is simply what they do...  they cannot please everyone...  they cannot give special favors...  and, they must never be your friends...  as that is the first level of putting one's self in a position to get sued.

Lawyers love asshole bosses as this is how they make their living, suing others as often as possible and taking a 20% commission for their services...  because it seems that someone only like that, has the authority to speak in a court of law unless you have been invited to the witness stand and then someone else is going to try and ground your ass into the ground to show that the are smarer...

Mother-in-laws and lawyers are necessary evils that make our little world revolves and which help us pass the the time of day along to someone who gives a shit about it all...  because I have seen very few of them around lately...

I am not the last person on earth to think this way...

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