Sunday, October 10

Snakes Arriving


Whether it's the eye-catching plants and shrubs, striking lighting, or the right kind of subtle decor, putting certain items into your yard can draw the right kind of attention to your property. Unfortunately, there are also some items that could be rolling out a welcome mat for unwanted guests of the slithering variety. If you're looking to avoid bringing more snakes close to your home, there are a few things you need to remove from your yard immediately. Read on to see what surprising items could be serpent magnets.

1.  Tire swings

Tire swings are a simple, timeless joy that are as easy to set up as they are to have fun with. But the seemingly harmless play feature can also be attracting snakes to your yard by collecting rain and offering them a steady water source that will keep them hydrated.

Experts warn that tire swings, slides, and other toys that lie low to the ground can potentially serve as a watering trough for serpents. If you're not ready to part ways with your playground, consider drilling small holes in the bottom of the tire that will allow it to drain and stop rainwater from pooling up.  TO FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER 4 ATTRACTIONS ARE...  CLICK HERE...

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