Friday, October 15

Random Thoughts

 Good morning everyone...

I was born Caucasion...

A retired Vietnam Veteran here...

Divorced and in a second marriage...

Living on a fixed income...

A Conservative Liberal that belongs to no party...

Fairly well educated...

Fairly well traveled...

Open-minded but not a fool...

Quit smoking 33 years ago...

Been debt free for 20 years...

Have no need to drink alcohol...

Have no desire to use illegal drugs...

Drive the speed limit most of the time...

Leave early for appointments...

Against Critical Race Theory...

Don't care one way or the other about the police...

But don't defund fire departments or EMS...

Illegal Immigrants should be put to work...

Don't believe in Socialism...

Don't own a firearm...

Don't care about abortion...

Want low taxes...

Don't want the government telling me what to do...

Don't like wars in foreign lands...

Don't care about nuclear proliferation...

Believe in Ancient Aliens...

Humans are not of this world...

Interested in String Theory and Quantum Mechanics...

Believe in other dimensions...

Robots will replace human workers...

Human work will become obsolete...

Education is not knowledge...

Students do not know how to retain...

It's cheaper to live in the South and warmer...

It's better to live rural than urban...

I eat healthy everyday...

I vacation at Myrtle Beach...

All politicians lie...

All managers lie as well to the workers...

Business is about the bottom line...

Profits over people...

Only the wealthy hire employees...

Nobody plans for their future...

Personal Financial Planning is non-existent...

Saving money is unheard of...

Gender issues have become problematic...

Trans people have the best of both worlds...

Life is an illusion...

Existence cannot be proven...

Our universe is still expanding but into what?

In 2030 we will live outside of earth...

Spacetime is for earthlings only...

There are no dimensions in outer space...

Chaos theory is our reality...

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