Friday, October 8

Disrupting Battery History

The Addionics Tream 
“Battery technology hasn’t changed in over 30 years,” Moshiel Biton, CEO of electric car battery startup Addionics, tells ISRAEL21c.

And here is where Biton saw a huge opportunity “as trillions of dollars will continue to be invested in creating better batteries.”

Addionics aims to capitalize on this opportunity by introducing a relatively small change into how batteries are designed. 

Unlike other companies that focus on improving battery chemistry, Addionics is focused on the physics of a specific part of the battery, the electric current collector.

The current collector serves as the substrate of a battery’s electrodes. These small metal sheets, not dissimilar to aluminum foil, are layered around the “active material” – lithium ion, for example.

Think of an electric battery like a sandwich, Biton suggests. “The bread is the electricity collector, and the cheese is the active material.”

Most electric car battery “sandwiches” have the “cheese” only on the top. Addionics layers the “cheese” throughout, along with layers of porous and spongy “bread.”

“Using nanotechnology, we can find space that’s not well utilized and make it more efficient,” Biton says.  READ MORE...

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