Thursday, August 5

Our Government Does Not Care

I am a 73 year old retiree who is also a Vietnam Veteran and who is currently living off of Social Security supplemented by my savings account.  I live in East TN where the cost of living is (on average) 15-21% less than most other places in the USA...  The choice to live in East TN was intentional because it is cheaper to live here...   and, at my age, there is not much extra in my quality of life that is needed.


I am totally opposed to the GOVERNMENT CONTROLLING my life in the form of:

  • higher taxes
  • Vaccination passports
  • Allowing abortions
  • Defunding police
  • Teaching CRT to children
  • Perpetuating racism
  • Changing history
  • Censorsoring speech
  • Double standards
  • Increasing national debt
  • Not retaliating against China
  • Reducing military budget
  • Increasing social welfare
Our Federal Government SHOULD NOT control our lives like is currently being attempted...

Our Federal Government no longer wants the USA to lead the world in anything...

Our Federal Government does not care that our education system is ranked 14th in the world...

Our Federal Government does not care that CHINA has a larger military:  army, navy, and air force than the USA...

Our Federal Government does not care about all the illegal immigrants that are coming across the border with COVID and drugs...


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