Thursday, August 5

Has Black Lives Matter Made A Difference?

I have read article after article after article from around the USA to see if the Black Lives Matter Movement has made any difference in America and in the way Americans live their lives...  and, what I have discovered is NO...  it has not made any big difference in America other than people are leaving the police force in record numbers and the police departments are having difficulty in finding replacements.

Crime and Violence in many of the larger cities throughout the USA  has increased becasue there are less law enforcement personnel to monitor and/or patrol local neighborhoods.  Law Enforcement Personnel are apprehensive about getting into an altercation while a crime is being committed for fear of being sued later by the victim(s) or by the perp(s)...  consequently, law enforcement has lost much of its influence.

Law Enforcement is also apprehensive about arresting people who commit crimes for fear that they will not be prosecuted by the Attorney General's office so there is no need to go through all the trouble and all the paperwork that is associated with arrests.

For example, if a criminal steals less than $950 in NYC, they will not be prosecuted by the criminal justice system.  So, instead of arresting, law enforcement just stands by and watches in case someone is inadvertantly hurt.

If Black Lives Matter set all of this into motion, they hurt themselves and their communities worse than they hurt the white race which they hate.  Defunding the police is not going to lessen their hatred of the white race, it is just going to temporarily pacify a small group of people.

Once store owners realize that law enforcement is no longer going to protect them or their personal property, they will relocate their store to another city or perhaps even leave the State.  This loss of revenue for the city will result in offering fewer services or an increase in taxes or both...  In the long run that will hurt the city's growth prospects.

The Black Lives Matter Movement got a few statues taken down that all of a sudden reminded them of slavery.  Most of the white people didn't give a rat's ass whether those statues were there or not there.  So, the impact on the minds of the whites was minimal other than increasing the separation between the races that already existed and was pretty strong on both sides.

History will record these last 12 months as pretty silly and full of nonsense as it evaluates the pros and cons of American economic growth and culture.  History will record that not only was this period rather worthless but on the whole, crime increased, drugs increased, and prosecutions decreased...  but there was no substantial changes in the racial structure of America...



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