Wednesday, August 4

Back Porch Thoughts

Mornings in East TN grow slowly especially once one is retired and has no early morning appointments that have been made only to secure closeby parking...  coffee is always on the docket and is always repoured into a YETI after brewing in order to reduce my return trips to the coffee pod machine.

August now ends the humid days of July which is previous years (not too long ago as I recall) took place in August not July but at this age, it really does not matter when they were as long as they are finally over.  Humidity is not good on this youthful but old body.

I look out through the screen and see that all the brown grass has returned to its normal state of green and while I am pleased with that development, it also signals the need to mow the lawn and weedeat which is not a bad task jut a boring one.

I watched the news today...  o'boy...  about a man who fell from grace and is no longer the face of his party and is no longer welcome on our viewing screens telling us how wonderful he is...  but, I wonder how much of this news is being shared with the public...  and if it is not being shared why the hell is it my concern?  It is not!!!

My back porch is not the place for lamenting...  it is the place for pondering, wondering, and understanding that life around us is brief and while some live less than others, we all die and we all should enjoy that which we have and that which was given to us without regret that we may learn from that gift.

The sun (or son) has decided not to show its face again today and we are left to enjoy the environment outside without fear of its heat or deadly rays against our skin.

The air is calm and clean and free of polution and the noise of the city (as I recall its noise) is non-existent in these here parts as they saying goes.  We are not the heartland of it all but we are still away from it all to the extent that we hardly know it is there unless we venture out too far away from what we have here.

A distant barking reminds me of animals that must be on leashes, except for cats, and I wonder why since cats can be more vicious if and when they are backed into a corner or out-numbered...  and, that thought reminds me of politics and how our country is divided based upon points-of-view and the color of one's skin which does not seem fair since the latter is not a choice as is the former.

From my back porch, I see only the truth of what is in front of me and really am not concerned about what is around me from the standpoint of it being truth or not.  Truth is subjective unless factual and even when factual, one must still believe and/or accept those facts as real.  And, therein lies the problem...  when I decide to leave my back porch.


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