I am a believer in free speech that includes both sides of the argument not just one. Let me hear both sides so that I can make up my own mind. I dislike someone telling me how I should think.
If I think one way and that way is later discovered to be wrong, then sobeit... it is wrong... and we move forward onto the next concept.
I have listened to the rhetoric of both the liberals and conservatives and have discovered that both sides are obviously biased, but it seems that the conservatives as less biased than the liberals.
Not only less biased, but they are far LESS LIKELY to pass along misinformation or disinformation aimed at discrediting the opposing side.
Unfortunately, I know many people who are absolutely confident that the misinformation that they heard is correct and it matters not what I say, I will never be able to change their minds.
I have stopped trying and just accept whatever it is that they want to believe... and let it go at that.