The world’s largest simulation of the cosmos lays a new computational foundation for simultaneous extreme-scale dark matter and astrophysical investigations.
Researchers used the Frontier supercomputer to conduct the largest astrophysical simulation to date, simulating both atomic and dark matter across universe-sized scales. This was facilitated by advancements in HACC, a code developed to run on exascale-class supercomputers, now capable of performing quintillion calculations per second.
This breakthrough in cosmological hydrodynamics simulations will aid in matching observational data with theoretical models.
Universe Simulation Breakthrough
The universe just expanded—at least in the realm of computer simulations.
Earlier this month, researchers at the Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory harnessed the power of the world’s fastest supercomputer to execute the largest astrophysical simulation of the universe ever achieved. READ MORE...
The universe just expanded—at least in the realm of computer simulations.
Earlier this month, researchers at the Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory harnessed the power of the world’s fastest supercomputer to execute the largest astrophysical simulation of the universe ever achieved. READ MORE...