It is entirely possible, maybe not highly likely, that Donald Trump will lose the election because of the misunderstood abortion issue with women.
If that happens, we can credit the DEMOCRATS and their CONTROL of mainstream media for that happening.... of course, along with the ignorance of women who do not really understand that they can still get an abortion, it is just not a constitutional right and left up to the states.
However, it is possible to pass a constitutional amendment making it a constitutional right.
From my perspective, I AGREE with a woman's right to do whatever she would like to do with her own body - and that the Federal Government has NO BUSINESS telling her what she can/cannot do.
The problem is what happens to the USA if the women decide to make that issue more important than what is best for the USA in both the short and long run.
If Kamala Harris wins:
- Government spending will continue
- Taxes will increase
- Racism will escalate
- Division in USA will intensify
- Hatred of illegals will increase
- Medical resources will be depleted by illegals
- Educational resources will be depleted by illegals
- Inflation will continue
- Illegal immigration will continue
- New job creation will not be there
- Our national debt will go higher
- Global wars will escalate due to our weakness
- The USA will produce less petroleum crude oil and natural gas
- More gasoline and natural gas will be purchase from other countries
- Terrorist activities will commence in USA (SPECULATION)
- China will invade Taiwan
- Israel war with Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah will escalate
- War in Ukraine will escalate
- Iran/North Korea will get closer to having nuclear weapons
- BRICS will intensify its war to destroy the US dollar internationally
- China will continue to prepare for war with USA in 2027 (China vowed to do this)
- The USA will spend more money on green energy and social programs than on the military
- A vast majority of Americans only care about what is in it for them.
- A vast majority of Americans do not pay attention to what is happening internationally
- A vast majority of Americans do not believe that a war will take place in the USA and have already forgotten about 9/11
- A vast majority of Americans do not understand how much money it takes to refurbish our highways, bridges, and tunnels that are deteriorating
- A vast majority of Americans do not understand how badly our military is deteriorating
- A vast majority of Americans do not understand what will happen to them if we default on our national debt.
- A vast majority of Americans do not understand that CHINA OWNS ONE THIRD OF OUR NATIONAL DEBT