Showing posts with label franchises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label franchises. Show all posts

Sunday, April 12


Outside of going to a BRUNCH, breakfast is my favorite meal...  and, what I typically order for breakfast is an omelette and/or pancakes...  my omelette usually comes with pancakes and hash browns but I substitute the hash browns for pancakes giving me a total of 5 pancakes.  My omelette,typically the Everything Omelette although it has different names in different States or regional locations.

I eat half my omelette there and take the other half home for the next day.  I eat no pancakes there and take them all home to each for future breakfasts with either vege sausages or sugar free jelly, usually Strawberry.  Eating 1 pancake a day, I have breakfast for another 6 days.  Cost is around $12-$15 for 7 meals or right around $2 for each meal.  Drinks obviously are extra...

My favorite restaurant for this is PERKINS...  However, not all PERKINS are alike as they are franchised and it depends on how the franchised owner conducts his operation.  The Perkins franchise 7 miles from our house has been owned by a German man named Otto for over 40 years.  In a conversation with Otto several years ago, he told me that he started with Perkins cleaning tables, then became a waiter, then cook, then assistant manager, then manager, then OWNER...

There is two other PERKINS RESTAURANTS near us, one north about 60 miles and one south about 20 miles and neither one has the quality of food or service as the one hear our home.

My wife and I usually go to Perkins for breakfast every other Sunday and we always order the same meal.  I get the Everything Omelette and she gets the Magnificent Seven.

As a matter of fact, my wife just left a few minutes ago to pick up breakfast from Perkins since they only have "take out" because of the COVID-19 Pandemic and our State's stay at home order.  We usually ask for our senior citizen discount when we go, but decided not to ask for that discount this time...  since they need all the financial help they can get to stay open.  It may not be much but everything helps.