Showing posts with label cancers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cancers. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 31

Killing Hard to Treat Cancers

The new compound called ERX-41 kills a broad spectrum of hard-to-treat cancers.

A new molecule created by a researcher at the University of Texas at Dallas kills a variety of difficult-to-treat cancers, including triple-negative breast cancer, by taking advantage of a weakness in cells that was not previously targeted by existing drugs.

The research, which was conducted using isolated cells, human cancer tissue, and mouse-grown human cancers, was recently published in Nature Cancer.

A co-corresponding author of the study and an associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry in the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Texas at Dallas, Dr. Jung-Mo Ahn has dedicated more than ten years of his career to developing small molecules that target protein-protein interactions in cells. He previously created potential therapeutic candidate compounds for treatment-resistant prostate cancer and breast cancer using a method called structure-based rational drug design.

In the current work, Ahn and his colleagues tested a novel compound he synthesized called ERX-41 for its effects against breast cancer cells, both those that contain estrogen receptors (ERs) and those that do not. While there are effective treatments available for patients with ER-positive breast cancer, there are few treatment options for patients with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), which lacks receptors for estrogen, progesterone, and human epidermal growth factor 2. TNBC generally affects women under 40 and has poorer outcomes than other types of breast cancer.   READ MORE...

Monday, April 6

What's On My Mind Today???

Just got back from the University of TN Medical Center - Cancer Bldg. in Knoxville, TN after going through a PET Scan procedure...  Every 90 days, I MUST have a CT scan or a PET scan to determine staging of the cancers.  When cancer is staged, the Oncologist is informed by the Medical Physician interpreting the scans if the cancer has decreased/increased in size and/or spread to other organs in the body and/or started growing in a new location.

Over the 12 years that I have been treated for Lymphoma and the 6 years I have been treated for Melanoma, my cancers have increased, decreased, increased, spread, and maintained their size as new drugs are used to fight the disease.

Last year, my Oncologist discovered through a recent clinical trial at another hospital that when Opdivo and Radiation are used simultaneously that the results are more positive than negative.  When that cocktail of treatment was used on me, dead Melanoma cells were removed from my neck...  so, in my case, it worked perfectly.

Right now, my two cancers (non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma & Melanoma) are being contained...  at least those were the results from my last PET scan...  so, I am anxious to discover what these new results might be.
ALSO, every time I leave home, I am really concerned about my health because of COVID-19 especially since I have NO IMMUNE SYSTEM of which to speak at all.  Today, I wore a face mask as well as disposable gloves.

Please take care of yourself and be careful when you leave the house...