Showing posts with label Welfare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Welfare. Show all posts

Sunday, October 3

Welfare Benefits & Government Salaries

Have you ever wondered why very few Hawaiians are working when you visit those islands? All but a few States on the following list are strongholds ---so go figure!

The Cato Institute released an updated 2016 study showing that welfare benefits pay more than a minimum wage job in 33 American states, and the District of Columbia.

Even worse, welfare pays more than $15 per hour to stay home in 13 states.

According to the study, welfare benefits have increased faster than minimum wage. It's now more profitable to sit at home and watch TV than it is to earn an honest day's pay.

Hawaii is the biggest offender, where welfare recipients earn $29.13per hour, or a $60,590 yearly salary for doing nothing.

Here is the list of the states where the pre-tax equivalent "salary" that welfare recipients receive is higher than having a job:

1. Hawaii : $60,590
2. District of Columbia :$50,820
3. Massachusetts : $50,540
4. Connecticut : $44,370
5. New York : $43,700
6. New Jersey : $43,450
7. Rhode Island : $43,330
8. Vermont : $42,350
9. New Hampshire:39,750
10. Maryland : $38,160
11. California : $37,160
12 Oregon : $34,300
13. Wyoming : $32,620
14. Nevada : $29,820
15. Minnesota : $29,350
16. Delaware : $29,220
17. Washington : $28,840
18. North Dakota : $28,830
19. Pennsylvania : $28,670
20. New Mexico : $27,900
21. Montana : $26,930
22. South Dakota : $26,610
23. Kansas: $26,490
24. Michigan : $26,430
25. Alaska : $26,400
26. Ohio : $26,200
27. North Carolina : $25,760
28. West Virginia : $24,900
29. Alabama : $23,310
30. Indiana : $22,900
31. Missouri : $22,800
32. Oklahoma : $22,480
33. Louisiana : $22,250
34 South Carolina : $21,910

Hawaii, DC , and Massachusetts pay more in welfare than the average wage folks earn there. Is it any wonder that they stay home rather than look for a job. Time for a drastic change... Americans are not stupid . Note that California is $18.50 an hour. Are we Nuts or what? How do we un-do this type of stupidity . 

Now if you think that's bad, read about these salaries:
  • Salary of retired United States Presidents $180,000 FOR LIFE
  • Salary of House/Senate...$174,000 FOR LIFE.
  • Salary of Speaker of the House ..$223,500 FOR LIFE!
  • Salary of Majority/Minority Leader $193,400 FOR LIFE!
  • Average Salary of a teacher ... $40,065
  • Average Salary of Soldier DEPLOYED IN AFGHANISTAN.. $38,000 

Nancy Pelosi will retire as a Congress Person at $174,000 Dollars a year for LIFE. She will retire as SPEAKER at $223,500 a year Plus she will receive an additional $193,400 a year for when she was Minority Leader, the fact that she has become rich while in office notwithstanding. That's $803,700 Dollars a year for LIFE including FREE medical which is not available to us.... the taxpayers. She is just one of the hundreds of Senators and Congresspersons that float in and out of Congress every year I think we found where the cuts should be made!

If you agree ....please pass this on, I just did.

AND , can you imagine paying AOC these sums for life ?

Friday, May 7

Paid For Not Working

I like the idea of receiving money from our Federal Government for not working...  my wife and I are in that situation now, getting paid Social Security for not working...  and, it is a damn good feeling to sleep as long as one wants, in my case shave whenever I want to, and work in the yard whenever I want to, watch cable on television whenever I want to, and do absolutely nothing whenever I want to...

Living in East TN, our combined SS just about pays our monthly expenses which is also predicated upon the fact that we have been debt free for 20 years, and due to our age, have all the clothes that we could possible ever need for the rest of our lives.  So, there are some mitigating circumstances that allows us to live like this...  understanding, if we were 20 years younger, it may/may not be that possible.

I also like the idea of THE FRIGGING WEALTHY paying for everything.  I understand that they worked somewhat for their money but once their money was earned, their cumulative interest was earned faster than they could spend it...  and, consequently, should be FORCED to take care of everyone else...  as if we were all their family members.

However, there are some wealthy family members that don't give a shit about the rest of the family and share as little of their money with the rest of the family as possible.

THE KEY TO DOING NOTHING in order to maintain proper mental health is to keep yourself busy...

BUT...  as far as our economy is concerned...  if people don't want to work because of receiving benefits from the government, then businesses cannot properly staff their organizations and actually conduct business the way business used to be conducted.  These businesses will be short staffed and the result will be customer dissatisfaction.

This will eventually cause the US to fall off the top of the mountain economically and no longer be a superior country...  This will leave China picking up the slack.  Once that happens, the US will have hell to pay trying to get it back...

DAMN...  I am glad I am retired and don't have to see much of this shit.