Showing posts with label UTube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UTube. Show all posts

Friday, November 12

Inside a Cargo Ship

A merchant marine gave a tour of a 958-foot cargo ship in 2019 that showed the intricacies of hulking freighters that haul 90% of the world's goods.

In the video, second mate Bryan Boyle records the vast array of machinery that keeps the ship moving, as well as the crew's and officers' living quarters on the Maersk ship, which was built in 2006.

Though the video was taken in 2019, Boyle told Insider it provides insight into the lives of shipping crew today as hundreds of cargo ships wait to dock in US ports.

In the ship's voyage, it sets out from Norfolk, Virginia, making several stops in the US before heading toward Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands, to name a few destinations.

"I've had the opportunity to work on some interesting vessels," Boyle told Insider. "I've gotten to go to places that the average person wouldn't even know about. It's one of the most appealing aspects of the job."

Boyle said that there's a thrill to arrive at new destinations, remembering how he spent over a month in Africa on one trip. But the amount of time that crews get to explore new destinations has dwindled over the years, he said, as ships rush to get in and out of ports as fast as possible and early COVID-19 restrictions set limits to crew excursions.

The video shows Boyle's living quarters, as well as a movie locker that holds hundreds of titles. READ MORE...

Tuesday, September 21

Got Blood on my Hands


We Didn't Start The Fire


Listening to the lyrics of this song brings back memories of the 60's...     70's...    80's...    etc.     Lyrics  to  songs  about our past cause me to reflect upon the fact that very little has actually changed in the United States and throughout the world, except for maybe  the INTERNET and TERRORISM...  Millionaires and Billionaires and immigration...   wages have not  really increased proportionately to those of management... 
  • Governments start fires
  • Wealthy people start fires
  • Rebels start fires
  • Politicians start fires
  • Hatred starts fires
  • Progress starts fires
  • Technology starts fires
  • Education starts fires
  • Incompetence starts fires
  • Religions start fires
  • Ignorance starts fires