Showing posts with label Terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terrorism. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 21

We Didn't Start The Fire


Listening to the lyrics of this song brings back memories of the 60's...     70's...    80's...    etc.     Lyrics  to  songs  about our past cause me to reflect upon the fact that very little has actually changed in the United States and throughout the world, except for maybe  the INTERNET and TERRORISM...  Millionaires and Billionaires and immigration...   wages have not  really increased proportionately to those of management... 
  • Governments start fires
  • Wealthy people start fires
  • Rebels start fires
  • Politicians start fires
  • Hatred starts fires
  • Progress starts fires
  • Technology starts fires
  • Education starts fires
  • Incompetence starts fires
  • Religions start fires
  • Ignorance starts fires


Wednesday, September 1

Blamin' Biden

 TO BLAME means to assign the responsibility to something or someone...

Our current President of the United States wants to blame everyone elsefor his failure of departure in Afghanistan but himself...  even though he has been quoted as saying, "the buck stops here..."

YES...  it is true that the State Department SCREWED UP
YES...  it is true that Military Intelligence SCREWED UP
YES...  it is true that the CIA Intelligence SCREWED UP
YES...  it is true that our Afghanistan Partners SCREWED UP

BUT...  the fact remains that our COMMANDER-in-CHIEF, who is the President of the USA, is ultimately responsible for EVERYTHING that happens on HIS or HER WATCH...

Not only is our current president responsible for the 13 American lives that were lost as the military was trying to evacuate Afghanistan, but our current president is responsible for the LOSS IN AMERICAN CONFIDENCE by all of the world leaders, especially Great Britain whose PARLIMENT unamiously voted NOT TO SUPPORT any further military operations with AMERICA as long as JOE BIDEN was president...

What an INSULT to America...

MORE IMPORTANTLY...  what message did our current president send to other world leaders who are not friendly with us...  like China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Pakistan, India, etc...  what impression do they have of AMERICA NOW?

I don't give a damn if a Republican or a Democrat is President because since 1960 nothing has really changed in the US of A and we have had many Presidents...  but, what I do care about is how the rest of the world perceives us as a GLOBAL LEADER...

Additionally, our global image and poor economic growth could cause the IMF (International Monetary Fund) to change the global currency of trade from the US dollar to the Chinese YUAN...

China's economy is growing faster than our economy
China's military is larger than our military
China's navy is larger than our navy
China's technology is growing faster than our technology
China owns 1/3 of all US National Debt

Our current President has laid the foundation for the USA to lose its global leadership status and respect...

OH YEAH....  forgot to mention that Afghanistan is THE NUMBER ONE BREEDING GROUND FOR TERRORISTS...

Saturday, August 28

AFGHANISTAN: No Lessons Learned

In August 1998, two weeks after a little-known terror outfit called al-Qaida announced itself to the world with bomb attacks on the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, the US president, Bill Clinton, retaliated with missile strikes against a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan. 

Central Khartoum was rocked in the middle of the night by the impact of a dozen Tomahawk missiles, which destroyed the plant, killing a night watchman and wounding 11 others. 

The US claimed that the factory – which was the largest provider of medicines in a country under sanctions – was secretly producing nerve agents on behalf of al-Qaida, but it didn’t take long for American officials to admit that the “evidence … was not as solid as first portrayed”.

The attack, in other words, was simply an act of retaliation against a random target, without any connection to the crime purportedly being avenged. 

I was a university student in Khartoum at the time. I can remember the confusion the day after the explosions, then visiting the shattered site of the factory with other students. 

What was suddenly clear to us then, standing in front of the ruins in a sleepy city that had supposedly become the centre of Islamic terrorism overnight, was the real logic of the “war on terror”: our lives were fodder for the production of bold headlines in American newspapers, saluting the strength, swift action and resolve of western leaders. 

We, on the sharp end of it all, would never be the protagonists. Those were the policy and opinion makers far, far away, for whom our experience was merely the resolution of an argument about themselves. The operation was chillingly, but appropriately, called Infinite Reach.  READ MORE

Tuesday, December 8

A New Decade Soon To Begin

In just a few days, that too will quickly pass, our nation, our world, will step into a new decade where changes will take place faster than ever before...  and, this new decade will be ushered in by the Democrats, not the Republicans which will allow this new decade to be focused on labor and not on management...  even though there are many, many incredibly wealthy Democrats who have invested their fortunes in the absolute growth of technology.

and let me be clear...
  • labor does not hire people
  • labor does not invest
  • labor does not create jobs
  • labor does not expand companies
  • labor does not create new markets
  • labor does not innovate
  • labor does not provide capital
  • labor does not negotiate contracts
  • labor does not deal with other countries
  • labor does not manage themselves
  • labor does not work for free
  • labor does not wear nice clothes to work
  • labor does not live in big houses
  • labor does not drive expensive cars
  • labor does not keep their money in offshore bank accounts
  • labor does not avoid paying taxes
  • labor does not send their children to private schools
  • labor does not dine in fancy restaurants
  • labor does not use good grammar
  • labor cannot afford to miss a day of work
  • labor does not read the Wall Street Journal
  • labor does not fly around in private jets
  • labor cannot afford to purchase cocaine
  • labor cannot afford to purchase the finest bottled water


  • It will be a decade of growth for EMERGING COUNTRIES
  • It will be a decade of growth for the CHINESE ECONOMY
  • It will be a decade of growth for the CHINESE MILITARY
  • It will be a decade when IRAN goes nuclear
  • It will be a decade when NORTH KOREA goes nuclear
  • It will be a decade when RUSSIA expands its territory
  • It will be a decade when INDIA's economy surges to #3
  • It will be a decade when TERRORISM rebuilds its influence and strength
  • It will be a decade of Medicare for ALL in the USA
  • It will be a decade of unprecedented immigration into the USA
  • It will be a decade where USA Blacks are given more and more
  • It will be a decade of spending on the USA's environment
  • It will be a decade of restructuring USA law enforcement
  • It will be a decade of rubbing the USA's white man's face in slavery

do you really believe that the DEMOCRATS will stop any of this from happening?