Showing posts with label Trump Administration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump Administration. Show all posts

Monday, April 5

Journalism IS NOT an Honorable Profession

It may seem like a bold statement to make, but I believe it without question now because of the Trump Administration.  

When Trump began his Presidency, I was attending the local gym and when I was on the treadmill, I would be watching FOX News on the monitor screen in front of the machine.  As I paid attention to what I was watching, it did not agree with what I had just watched on either CBS or CNN...  The more I paid attention to the news and started making comparison, I soon discovered that FOX News was the only station that was actually presenting the TRUTH.  The other two stations:  CBS and CNN were slanted the news to coincide with the Democratic Narrative.

In fact, the me I watched FOX News, the more I realized that the actual coverage was different if it negatively impacted the Democrats.  FOX News might devote an hour or so to the controversy but CBS and CNN were only devoting a minute or two...  if that.

Today, as I was driving down to a doctor's appointment, I was listening to a TALK  RADIO station out of Knoxville, and one of the callers shared an experience he had endured while attending an Ethics in Journalism class at the University of Tennessee.  While he was in this class one day, the professor played a tape between Walter Cronkite and President Johnson and the President was telling Cronkite how he should SPIN the news on the Vietnam War....  so that the public was only receiving a portion of the truth not the whole truth because it would look bad on President Johnson and the Democrats.

Back in the mid 1990's, I was interviewed by a journalist and when the article appeared, the so-called journalist had twisted my comments to make it look like I had said something altogether different from what I actually had said.

The recent fiasco in Georgia is another example of how journalists who are the handmaidens of the Democratic Party are going to SPIN the news in such a way that it again conforms to the Democratic Narrative which is not even close to the TRUTH...