Showing posts with label Systemic Racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Systemic Racism. Show all posts

Saturday, May 29

People Will One Day Just Have Enough


Black Lives Matter

Defund the Police

Cancel Culture


Critical Race Theory



A tinge of Maxism

White Privilege

How long do you think this shit is gonna last when a majority of the white population in the USA that represents 60% of the overall population has finally had enough?

Black Mayors that won't give interviews to white journalists

Black Restaurant Owners that won't serve white customers

Black teachers who teach that whites are evil people

Black groups that condemn white groups

We were at one time AMERICANS and now we are a conglomeration of ethnic and racial Americans who have no desire to co-exist with each other unless it is mandated by the government.

How does this make our country better?
And, at some point-in-time, a bunch of white crackers are going to wake up and say enough of this shit and start to fight back...  but not with protests but legally in the courts and by electing officials who are of like minds and when that happens, this country will experience a new kind of race riot and race war that will literally tear this country apart, worse than was ever seen or experienced during our previous CIVIL WAR...  leaving a scarred and embittered country that has no desire to ever unite again or seek out common cause or compromise, but instead decides to live as separate entities within the United States, interfacing only when the law demands...  two of everything...  and interracial marriage will start to decline.
  • We will have a black police force and a white police force
  • We will have a black military and a while military
  • We will have a black public school and a white public school
  • We will have black universities and white universities
  • We will have black hotels/motels and white hotels/motels
  • We will have black resorts and white resorts
  • We will have black sports and white sports
  • We will have black movies and white movies
  • We will have black only concerts and while only concerts
The United States of America will finally become that which it has always intended to become and will be able to finally realize its destiny.

The United States of America will not longer be the greatest country in the world nor will it have the greatest economy or the greatest desire among other peoples to immigrate here.

We will have a United States of Black Americans and a United States of White Americans and a United States of Non-White/Non-Black Americans.


Tuesday, December 29

Whites Must Understand Being White

Let me explain my life a little...
  1. I was born in Raleigh, NC (1947) but live my life just outside Alexandria, VA until 1962 when we moved to Cairo, Egypt.
  2. From 1966 until 1990, I lived in the rural Piedmont of North Carolina
  3. From 1990 until PRESENT, I lived in the TN Valley of East TN
💜Not once was I stopped by law enforcement for being white
💜Not once did I witness white cops stopping blacks because they were black
💜Not once was I cognizant of any racial discrimination taking place
💜In the late 1960's/early 1970's, I was ostracized for having shoulder length hair
💜Not once did I feel the need to use the "N" word except around my parents
💜Not once was I given a job instead of a black person
💜Not once did I see a black person forced to ride in the back of the bus
💜Not once did I see a black person being refused service
💜Not once did I see a black person being asked to use a difference entrance
💜Not once did I encounter any black or white drug dealers
💜Not once did I hear of any black person stealing from my friends and/or neighbors
💜I have only seen a Confederate Flag fly on the back of a pickup truck once
💜I do remember watching THE AMOS AND ANDY show as a child
💜I also watched REDD FOXX at an adult
💜I got my shoes shined once in NYC when I was in the 8th grade by a black man while another black my cut my hair
💜I have been served by black and white waiters
💜My vacation rooms have been cleaned by black and white maids

If these things happen where I have lived, then they must have happened when I was not around because I have witnessed NOTHING either in NC or here in EAST TN that I have seen on the television that has taken place in literally ALL THESE OTHER BIG CITIES:  Atlanta, Washington DC, NYC, Chicago, Seattle, Pittsburg, Baltimore...  etc.

because of what other people have done, I am supposed to surrender my whiteness and my love of being a SOUTHERNER because it OFFENDS BLACK PEOPLE...   and, my very presence reminds them of SLAVERY...

our Federal Government can force us to do a lot of things and if they do, then I will comply, but regardless of what they force us to do, MY THOUGHTS WILL NEVER CHANGE nor will a lot of the thoughts of my friends based upon hearing their conversations.

If this is SYSTEMIC RACISM down here in the SOUTH then this is what you are going to get because it will never change...   not will this kind of approach...  and, especially not after what I have NOT SEEN HAPPEN.

Sunday, November 8

Ending Systemic Racism

 On June 9, 2020, THE WASHINGTON POST Newspaper that I used to deliver to homes in our local neighborhood as a boy, published an article written by columnist Katrina vanden Heuvel entitled, How Can We Start Dismantling Systemic Racism...  and, if you were to read the article you would discover that she is talking about the United States of America...  just to be clear since it must be assumed that Systemic Racism only exists in America.

"Throughout the pandemic," she writes, "black people have been infected and lost their jobs at a higher rate than white people."

I want to stop right here and I know that this is a minor point, but this author immediately differentiates between whites and blacks which is a backdoor racist comment and is just as volatile as black people not wanting to attend white people's churches.

This author makes the claim that in order to stop systemic racism, we must dismantle system by restructuring those systems that allow it to perpetuate...   and again, this is eloquently written...  but is this author proposing that we dismantle our churches?

Heavens no...  I must presume as there should be a separation between church and state.

This author, through the words of an expert economist, makes the following statement: "...the United States spends twice as much on “law and order” — prisons, courts and police forces — as we do on cash welfare programs such as food stamps and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. The events of this year highlight the urgency of fixing that imbalance."

This author goes on the explain that monies could be shifted away from police department and be used on reconstruction efforts in black communities so they are not as susceptible to the health and economic issues of living in the United States...

And...  many people will willingly tell you that while my elevator does not stop at all the floors that redirecting police monies into black communities will do precious little to end systemic racism in white communities....  unless they are going to be receiving allocations as well.

AGAIN...  I go back to my first comment, how are you going to make black people go to white churches or vice versa...  because in many places especially in the south this is precisely where the systemic racism starts and manifests itself until it explodes out in society.

I am not smart enough nor is anyone else to come up with a PLAN OF ACTION that will actually change people's minds about what they believe and/or perceive and stop them from sharing this with their families, relatives, and friends.

Incidentally, there is systemic racism within the black communities where LIGHT SKINNED BLACKS look down upon DARK SKINNED BLACKS...  but, I don't suppose any monies will be spent on dismantling those systems.

Giving Black Communities:
  • better homes
  • better healthcare
  • better education
  • more money
is simply going to result in the white communities becoming MORE PISSED OFF with Black People and the government that allowed this to happen...  especially when, law enforcement efforts are hampered because they did not have enough money to prevent a crime.  Not only will this PISS OFF THE WHITE RESIDENTS but it will piss off the white store owners who are losing income due to all this violence...  and decide to close their doors and move their business out-of-town.

I believe that this approach is going to create more problems than it will solve, but I suppose that the DEMOCRATS will do it anyway in order to get the black vote on election day.

BTW -  we had a BLACK PRESIDENT FOR 8 YEARS and systemic racism was never a topic nor did that BLACK PRESIDENT really do anything to help his own RACE...