Showing posts with label Inequality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inequality. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 29

Whites Must Understand Being White

Let me explain my life a little...
  1. I was born in Raleigh, NC (1947) but live my life just outside Alexandria, VA until 1962 when we moved to Cairo, Egypt.
  2. From 1966 until 1990, I lived in the rural Piedmont of North Carolina
  3. From 1990 until PRESENT, I lived in the TN Valley of East TN
💜Not once was I stopped by law enforcement for being white
💜Not once did I witness white cops stopping blacks because they were black
💜Not once was I cognizant of any racial discrimination taking place
💜In the late 1960's/early 1970's, I was ostracized for having shoulder length hair
💜Not once did I feel the need to use the "N" word except around my parents
💜Not once was I given a job instead of a black person
💜Not once did I see a black person forced to ride in the back of the bus
💜Not once did I see a black person being refused service
💜Not once did I see a black person being asked to use a difference entrance
💜Not once did I encounter any black or white drug dealers
💜Not once did I hear of any black person stealing from my friends and/or neighbors
💜I have only seen a Confederate Flag fly on the back of a pickup truck once
💜I do remember watching THE AMOS AND ANDY show as a child
💜I also watched REDD FOXX at an adult
💜I got my shoes shined once in NYC when I was in the 8th grade by a black man while another black my cut my hair
💜I have been served by black and white waiters
💜My vacation rooms have been cleaned by black and white maids

If these things happen where I have lived, then they must have happened when I was not around because I have witnessed NOTHING either in NC or here in EAST TN that I have seen on the television that has taken place in literally ALL THESE OTHER BIG CITIES:  Atlanta, Washington DC, NYC, Chicago, Seattle, Pittsburg, Baltimore...  etc.

because of what other people have done, I am supposed to surrender my whiteness and my love of being a SOUTHERNER because it OFFENDS BLACK PEOPLE...   and, my very presence reminds them of SLAVERY...

our Federal Government can force us to do a lot of things and if they do, then I will comply, but regardless of what they force us to do, MY THOUGHTS WILL NEVER CHANGE nor will a lot of the thoughts of my friends based upon hearing their conversations.

If this is SYSTEMIC RACISM down here in the SOUTH then this is what you are going to get because it will never change...   not will this kind of approach...  and, especially not after what I have NOT SEEN HAPPEN.

Monday, December 21

US of AMERICA: The Nation of Inequalities

When most of us think of INEQUALITY, we think of:
  • Race
  • Gender
  • Justice

Basically because, this is how MAINSTREAM MEDIA has phrased it to the public...  and the public being gullible have swallowed the bait...  hook, line, and sinker.

BUT, INEQUALITY permeates every single fabric and layer of our society long before we ended WWI and WWII and I am being gracious with the time frame.

At the beginning of our INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, there is large scale inequality between:  MANAGEMENT and labor.

When the TITANS of INDUSTRY were sowing their wild oats, they were also creating large scale inequality between the:  WEALTHY and poor...  or, what some may call the HAVES and the HAVE NOTS.

BUT...  INEQUALITY in AMERICA extends much much deeper into the ROOTS of our SOCIETY, and can be found in:
  1. Those who are educated and those who are not
  2. Those who are religious and those who are not
  3. Those who are Catholic and those who are not
  4. Those who are Jewish and those who are not
  5. Those who are athletic and those who are not
  6. Those who are musical and those who are not
  7. Those who are married and those who are not (wages & taxes)
  8. Those who have political connections and those who do not
  9. Those who live in California and those who do not
  10. Those who live in NYC and those who do not
  11. Those who are disabled and those who are not
  12. Those who are CEO's and those who are not
  13. Those who are clergy and those who are not
  14. Those who are legal immigrants and those who are illegal immigrants
  15. Those who can have children and those who cannot
  16. Those who graduated high school and those who did not
  17. Those who are Democrats and those who are not
  18. Those who are Republicans and those who are not
  19. Those who are Socialists and those who are not
  20. Those who are veterans and those who are not
  21. Those who are cigarette smokers and those who are not
  22. Those who drink alcohol and those who do not
  23. Those who smoke marijuana and those who do not
  24. Those who are retired and those who are not
  25. Those who teach and those who do not
  26. Those who have good grammar and those who do not
  27. Those who like music and those who do not
  28. Those who talk loudly and those who do not
  29. Those who want to be with people and those who do not
  30. Those who pay their taxes and those who hide their money
  31. Males/Females that are attractive and Male/Females who are not
  32. Males/Females who are in law enforcement and Males/Females who are not
1.  After reading through these 30+ points, I am sure you have a good idea where I am going with this...  Americans  are more unequal than equal and yet some people want to make a big deal out of all this inequality...   like it is all of sudden part of the landscape of society.
2.  America needs inequalities at all levels of our society, if we are to grow and prosper as a nation.  We have to have the wealthy and we have to have management and we have to have labor...   and, if everyone had a COLLEGE DEGREE and each student had made straight "A's" we would find some other way to have the Wealthy, management, and labor....  perhaps retention of knowledge or achieved outputs or some kind of competency exam...  The point is that not everyone can be on top and not everyone can be in the middle.
3.  INEQUALITY forces people to try and become better and the more that people strive, the stronger our economy becomes and grows...   and the people on the bottom will always suffer to some degree...   but, everyone else does not care, as long as it is not them.