Showing posts with label Spring Breakers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spring Breakers. Show all posts

Saturday, March 27

African Americans: Spring Breakers

Several news outlets have reported that Springer Breakers have invaded Florida and are not wearing facemasks, not social distancing, drinking alcohol in copious amounts, and in some cases are destroying property because they are drunk, high on drugs, or just don't give a shit about someone else's property.

One news outlet interviewed a young African American who was PISSED OFF because she was paying $185 each night and was not allowed to PARTY in a way that she wanted to PARTY...  In essence, she was pissed off at local authorities that were preventing her from doing whatever it was that she was doing simply because she paid money to be there.

It is funny in a way how young adults FEEL ENTITLED...

And...  once these children graduate and enter the marketplace as employees of some organization they are going to be even further surprised.

Being white and living my entire life (at least the black people think so) under white privilege, I have always seen SPRING BREAK even when I was a college student myself, as a justification for people to drink more than they should and ignore rules.

College students don't need SPRING BREAK to raise hell and drunk...  they can do that anytime they want...

And to see a student who is THAT STUPID to go on NATIONAL NEWS and say that because she spend so much money a night that she should be allowed to do whatever she wants...  makes her naive and foolish...  especially since the WHOLE COUNTRY knows who she is...  That recognition will not bode well for her in the future.

Monday, March 22

Spring Breakers in Miami

College Students have invaded Miami, Florida as a result of Spring Break and these students have been so hard to handle that the local police have instituted a CURFEW and have arrested about 1,000 students.  While this may seem like a problem for some...  for others it is an example of how WE THE POWER outnumber the police and we can control the situation not the police.

It is about time that the people realize how powerful they are...  UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL...  if the people join together, the people can do anything that they want to.

  • They can drive their vehicles as fast as they want to
  • They can break into stores anytime they want to
  • They can steal anything that they want to
  • They can take illegal drugs anytime they want to

In order to stop the people, governments will have to call out the National Guard to maintain control and even then, there are not enough National Guard to control the people in ALL LOCATIONS...

It is time for the people to take control...