This video clip aired 3 weeks ago...
Social Unrest: is characterized by the general dissatisfaction of a group and the unconventional and sometimes violent ways people tend to show it. One example is rioting or when a large group of people behaves in a violent and uncontrolled way.
According to Wikipedia:
Civil disorder, also known as civil disturbance or civil unrest, is an activity arising from a mass act of civil disobedience (such as a demonstration, riot, or strike) in which the participants become hostile toward authority, and authorities incur difficulties in maintaining public safety and order, over the disorderly crowd. It is, in any form, prejudicial to public law and order.
Civil disorder, also known as civil disturbance or civil unrest, is an activity arising from a mass act of civil disobedience (such as a demonstration, riot, or strike) in which the participants become hostile toward authority, and authorities incur difficulties in maintaining public safety and order, over the disorderly crowd. It is, in any form, prejudicial to public law and order.
Social Unrest or Civil Disobedience whichever way you want to go, will cost Trump the election this year... our economy and economic growth is not as important to us as social unrest is and has become... unfortunately, this social unrest will result in a soon to take place RACE WAR...