Showing posts with label Seattle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seattle. Show all posts

Saturday, May 20

World's Largest Fuel Cell Vehicle

The proof-of-concept hydrogen powered ultra-class mine haul truck at Anglo American's Mogalakwena Platinum Group Metals mine in South Africa. The truck has successfully completed its mission to demonstrate the potential 
of zero emission haulage after one full year of operational trials. Image courtesy of Anglo American.

LONDON and SEATTLE, May 17, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The world's largest zero-emission haul truck, designed and built by First Mode in partnership with Anglo American, has successfully completed its mission to demonstrate the potential of zero emission haulage after one full year of operational trials. The proof-of-concept mining truck is a critical technology in heavy industry's efforts to reduce its reliance on diesel and other fossil fuels.

"In May 2022, First Mode achieved what many thought impossible with the world's first and world's largest hydrogen-fueled haul truck," said Julian Soles, CEO of First Mode. "The truck's tremendous success is undisputed, having exceeded performance on all significant tests, including travel speed and payload. We are also extremely proud to report zero safety incidents or downtime associated with the program. Our proof-of-concept demonstrates not only the feasibility, but also the urgent need to scale our nuGen™ Haulage Solution to help the mining industry reduce its reliance on diesel."

In 2019, First Mode partnered with Anglo American to study potential pathways to decarbonizing the mining company's existing fleet of ultra-class haul trucks. The resulting nuGen™ Haulage Solution replaces all diesel components of the haulage ecosystem, including vehicle powerplant, refueling system, fuel storage infrastructure, and fuel production. The proof-of-concept truck made its debut May 6, 2022 at Anglo American's Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) mine site in Mogalakwena, South Africa.

Natascha Viljoen, CEO of Anglo American's PGMs business, commented, "We are proud to have played host to this world-first technology. We recognise that replacing our diesel haul trucks with a zero-emission alternative is central to our ability to deliver carbon neutral mining, with the potential to also offer broader operating performance benefits. We look forward to seeing the next generation model in action."   READ MORE...,full%20year%20of%20operational%20trials.

Saturday, October 3

Away From the Violence of the Big Cities

One of the KEY FEATURES of living in East TN is the fact that there is minimal crime being perpetrated on individuals and families and there is absolutely NOTHING going on in Knoxville that resembles anything like we hear about in Washington DC, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, or Las Angeles...   and, it is highly unlikely that anything like that will ever happen here.  

  1. People who live in East TN just are not like that
  2. We honor the right of law and order
  3. We proudly support the Second Amendment
  4. We care about our faith and the Church
  5. We have better things to do with our time
Saturday morning and the temperatures are in the 70's with just a slight breeze in the air and my neighborhood is quiet and calm as there are no people outside working in their yards, allowing me unfettered access to my screened-in back porch as I enjoy the afternoon sun warming everything around me.

NOW...  don't get me wrong about how absolutely great it is in East TN because we have plenty of problems with illegal drugs in our elementary schools and in our high schools.  And, there are an enormous amount of people who like to drive faster than the posted speed limit signs...  and, there are a few people who like to steal from others who they think might be too stupid to realize what is going on...  and, our hospitals and cancer centers are full with patients all the time.

BUT...  it is still better than living up NORTH where all them millionaires live and expect people to bend over backwards because they are wealthy...  there are wealthy people down here too, but they are not as arrogant.

PLUS...  it is a hell of a lot cheaper to live here than anywhere else...   ON AVERAGE that is...