Showing posts with label Portland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portland. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 7

Turning Boeing Airplane Into Home

Bruce Campbell and his Boeing 727. REUTERS/Steve Dipaola

Most people might dread spending their entire lives on an airplane, but not Bruce Campbell. That's because his airplane, which stays on the ground, is his home.

The former electrical engineer turned a Boeing 727 he bought in 1999 into a home in Portland, Oregon. Reuters has photos of the space. After modifications, 65-year-old Campbell's aircraft dream home cost him $220,000. He spends six months out of the year living there, alternating between Portland and Japan.

In addition to his current home, Campbell is hoping to buy a bigger Boeing 747-400 to convert into his home in Miyazaki, Japan.

"I don't mean to offend, but wood is in my view a terrible building material," Campbell wrote on his website. "But retired airliners can withstand 575 mph winds ... are highly fire-resistant, and provide superior security. They're among the finest structures that mankind has ever built."

Keep scrolling to see more pictures of Campbell's Boeing 727 home.  READ MORE...

Saturday, October 3

Away From the Violence of the Big Cities

One of the KEY FEATURES of living in East TN is the fact that there is minimal crime being perpetrated on individuals and families and there is absolutely NOTHING going on in Knoxville that resembles anything like we hear about in Washington DC, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, or Las Angeles...   and, it is highly unlikely that anything like that will ever happen here.  

  1. People who live in East TN just are not like that
  2. We honor the right of law and order
  3. We proudly support the Second Amendment
  4. We care about our faith and the Church
  5. We have better things to do with our time
Saturday morning and the temperatures are in the 70's with just a slight breeze in the air and my neighborhood is quiet and calm as there are no people outside working in their yards, allowing me unfettered access to my screened-in back porch as I enjoy the afternoon sun warming everything around me.

NOW...  don't get me wrong about how absolutely great it is in East TN because we have plenty of problems with illegal drugs in our elementary schools and in our high schools.  And, there are an enormous amount of people who like to drive faster than the posted speed limit signs...  and, there are a few people who like to steal from others who they think might be too stupid to realize what is going on...  and, our hospitals and cancer centers are full with patients all the time.

BUT...  it is still better than living up NORTH where all them millionaires live and expect people to bend over backwards because they are wealthy...  there are wealthy people down here too, but they are not as arrogant.

PLUS...  it is a hell of a lot cheaper to live here than anywhere else...   ON AVERAGE that is...