Showing posts with label Mental Exercises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mental Exercises. Show all posts

Monday, October 19

A BIG Think

The block universe theory says that our universe may be looked at as a giant four-dimensional block of spacetime, containing all the things that ever happen, explained Dr. Kristie Miller, the joint director for the Centre for Time at the University of Sydney.

In the block universe, there is no "now" or present. All moments that exist are just relative to each other within the three spacial dimensions and one time dimension. Your sense of the present is just reflecting where in the block universe you are at that instance. The "past" is just a slice of the universe at an earlier location while the "future" is at a later location.
Block Universe diagram. Credit: ABC Science

while this may be true...
I mean...  after all...  it is an idea put forth by a PhD.
what if she is wrong and the past, present, and future is not in a block?
What then?
Let's suppose...
that we have a past because we know we did something yesterday,
and while that is all fine and good,
suppose yesterday vanishes...
once it happens, it is no longer there...
just like the BIG BANG,
once it happened, it was gone and our universe appeared
but everything that happened before had disappeared.
What if...
all we have is RIGHT NOW...
and the only future is that which we experience next...
until there are no more futures.