Showing posts with label Management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Management. Show all posts

Thursday, March 25

Socialism NOW....

CAPITALISM is an economic and political system in which the country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit rather than by the government...

It is because of capitalism the the United States has so many millionaires and billionaires because they only motivation for these people is increasing their profits.  In order to increase one's profits, one must have a labor force that can be manipulated an financially abused so that the owners can increase their profits.  These profits usually go into the pockets of the owners or back into the company to expand BUT NEVER is shared with the workforce that were responsible for creating those profits.


Government should own the trade and industry so that the profits can be highly taxed, used for expansion, or equally divided among the workers.  However, in lieu of sharing profits with the workers, governments can use the tax to provide free services like:
  • free education
  • free healthcare
  • free housing
  • free food
  • free clothing
  • free transportation
  • free entertainment
  • free recreation
It is TOTALLY UNFAIR that some people are born with extraordinary athletic skills and can therefore used those skills to make more money than those people who are not born with those skills...   UNFAIR...  UNFAIR...  UNFAIR...

Friday, April 17

American Higher Education

Donald Southerland

My career (1969-2019) spans 50 years although the last 5 years, I was a part-time Adjunct Instructor for a local University.  Of those 50 years, 45 years was spent either directly or indirectly in Education either as a Professor/Instructor or as an Administrator.  I have worked or taught in the following educational systems:  Community College, College, University, and/or Proprietary Colleges. 

The courses I have taught include:

  1. English Composition
  2. Micro/Macro Economics
  3. Introduction to Computers
  4. Statistical Problem Solving
  5. Process Re-engineering
  6. Personal Financial Planning
  7. Strategic Planning
  8. Project Management
  9. Business Communications
  10. Human Resource Management
  11. Production Management
  12. Management & Leadership

What did I discover?
That my college students were not very well prepared to attend College other than a Community College and even that level of education was doubtful.

My students basically LACKED:
  • Writing Skills
  • Spelling Skills
  • Reading Skills
  • Grammar Skills
  • Presentation Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Critical Thinking Skills
  • Working in Teams Skills
  • Drilling Down on a Subject Skills
  • Self-starter/Hit-the-Ground-Running Skills

I had students that...

  1. never purchased the textbook
  2. could not remember what they learned from their previous course
  3. memorized for the test then forgot
  4. did not prepare for class
  5. did not do homework
  6. did not ask questions
  7. wanted to be told exactly what to do
  8. did not want to figure out what I wanted