Showing posts with label Imagination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Imagination. Show all posts

Monday, August 17


"Imagination is more important than knowledge..."  Albert Einstein

Imagination is the ability to produce and simulate novel objects, peoples and ideas in the mind without any immediate input of the senses. Wikipedia

When was the last time that you imagined something?
When was the last time you spent a little time daydreaming?
When was the last time you imagined a better life for you (and your family)?

Children are really good at using their imaginations but as we age and become adults, we have a tendency to move away from using our imaginations because we make the false assumption that we are being childish; however, if and when we try to share our imagination with other adults we will probably be told that we are being childish.

As a writer/poet, I use my imagination all the time and then make the attempt to put than imagination into words with which others can identify.  Sometimes, I am successful and sometimes I am not, but I never stop using my imagination, especially at night...  I use my imagination to pretend that I am in a different environment, experiencing whatever I want to experience...  and sometimes, I get hung up on details of of room for instance, and before I realize it, I have been sleeping and when I wake up it is morning.