Showing posts with label Hoverbike. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hoverbike. Show all posts

Thursday, April 25

Flying Motorcycle

Believe it or not, this unbelievable flying motorcycle could hit the skies by the end of the decade.

Formerly known as the Jetpack Aviation Speeder, this jet bike is moving ahead in development with a new name — the Razor.

Even the name of the flying vehicle is something straight out of a sci-fi movie.

The flying motorcycle uses eight tiny but powerful jet engines to cruise at 60 mph for about 30 minutes.

It can also carry up to 600 pounds of cargo.

The bike itself weighs 300 pounds, giving it a size-to-payload ratio that sets it apart from other flying vehicles.

Many others have also tried to build their own flying vehicle, like this flying motorcycle that transforms into a hoverbike.   TO READ MORE, CLICK HERE...