Showing posts with label Global Influence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Global Influence. Show all posts

Monday, November 21

Our Divided Country Changing


One of the outcomes of the 2022 midterms point out by Dan Bongino was the fact that in most every State in the United States the majority that the DEMOCRATS won by DECREASED from 2020...

In other words, let's say the Democrats in general in 2020 won by 20 points across the board... where Democrats won either House seats or Senate seats....

In 2022, Democrats only won by 10 points or less in most of their House and Senate seats...

SO...  what does that tell you?

It tells you the Democrats won again...

but, not by much this time...


1.  The Democrats pushed for early voting among their ranks so they could not change their minds based on new information...

2.  The Democrats got more votes to be counted by hand that by voting machine...

3.  The Democrats lied about abortion, saying the Republicans did not want it to be allowed...

THE TRUTH ABOUT ABORTION:  The Supreme Court did not make abortion illegal, but said that it was the responsibility of the STATES not the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT...  that is a huge difference.

4.  Donald Trump was seen as still the leader of the Republican Party and many people HATED him...

5.  The Republicans did not have any solutions to offer the American people.

6.  The Republicans did not fight the lies the Democrats were spreading...


What will happen in 2024?

The Democrats might continue to win but their margins will decrease...

The Democrats could be destroying themselves with their progressive, liberal views more than they realize...

The global community could turn against the leadership of the USA because of their role models and the fact that they are projecting weakness to Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran...

Tuesday, August 3

China's New US Ambassador

Qin Gang — China’s new ambassador to the United States — will reportedly assert the nation’s growing power during his tenure in Washington.

On Wednesday, a communication from Qin’s office demanded that China be treated with “equality” as a fellow influential power:

Both China and the United States are major countries with important influence in the world. Since we established diplomatic relations over 40 years ago, China-U.S. relations have gone through an extraordinary journey amidst twists and turns. 

At this new historical juncture, our two countries need to follow the trend of the times and the general expectation of the international community, treat each other with mutual respect and equality, and pursue peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, as this will be the blessing of our two peoples and the whole world. 

The Chinese people will never stop their quest for a better life.

The Communist Party of China and the Chinese government will never stop the endeavor to pursue happiness for the people. 

China is firmly committed to the path of peaceful development, and will continue to advance world peace, contribute to global development, and uphold international order. 

It will work with other countries to build a community with a shared future for mankind.

The New York Times likewise reported that the appointment signals a counter to the Biden administration’s efforts to parry rising Chinese influence across the globe:  READ MORE