Showing posts with label George Santos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Santos. Show all posts

Monday, January 2

Republican Elected Santos Lied

A Republican congressman-elect is under investigation in New York after he admitted he lied about his education and work experience.

The Republican district attorney for Nassau County said she will look into the "numerous fabrications and inconsistencies" on George Santos's CV.

Allegations about discrepancies in his backstory were first made in a New York Times report last week.

Mr Santos is scheduled to be sworn in on 3 January.

The newspaper published an investigation in this month alleging Mr Santos - who was elected to Congress in the November midterm elections - had made several lies on his resume.

Those included that he had graduated from Baruch College in New York and worked at high-profile Wall Street firms Goldman Sachs and Citigroup.

Mr Santos admitted earlier this week he had never worked for either firm directly and had lied on his CV about graduating from college, saying he was "embarrassed" that he had not.

Regarding accusations he had misrepresented his Jewish ancestry, he told the New York Post in an interview published on Monday that he was Catholic and never claimed to be Jewish but when "I learned my maternal family had a Jewish background I said I was 'Jew-ish'".

Mr Santos said he was "not a criminal" and said that the scandal would not prevent him from serving his two-year term in the House of Representatives.

"My sins here are embellishing my resume," Mr Santos told the Post. "I'm sorry."  READ MORE...