Showing posts with label FCEV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FCEV. Show all posts

Thursday, April 27

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology

Canadian and British-based company First Hydrogen has unveiled a new concept for a zero-emission recreational vehicle (RV) that uses fuel cell technology. Developed in partnership with German engineering services provider EDAG Group, the RV concept illustrates how First Hydrogen explores how fuel cell electric technology could be applied to larger vehicles.

One of the primary benefits of using fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) for RVs is their ability to cover larger ranges and manage heavier payloads than equivalent battery electric vehicles (BEVs).

RVs often travel long distances, often into wilderness areas far from refueling or charging infrastructure. Therefore, the long-range capability is especially appealing, and refueling an FCEV takes mere minutes, approximately the same amount of time as refueling a petrol or diesel vehicle.

In contrast, recharging electric vehicles can take hours, restricting the freedom that van life demands. FCEVs are also well-suited for running auxiliary loads such as cookers and water boilers, often required in recreational vehicles.

Using a fuel cell powertrain would positively affect the environment by reducing harmful emissions and noise compared to a traditional ICE. Additionally, an FCEV could travel longer distances, carry heavier payloads, and refuel in a matter of minutes, much like a gas or diesel vehicle.

First Hydrogen has not disclosed the estimated range for its Gen 2 vehicle, but the first-generation van is designed to cover between 249 and 373 miles (400 and 600 km) on a single refueling, which takes only five minutes.

First Hydrogen recently unveiled images of its Gen 2 LCV concept, which features off-road lighting, a front winch, and what appears to be a solar panel on the roof. Although no roof rack is visible in the images, the spacious interior could accommodate large gear such as a kayak, and the vehicle could be quickly converted into a comfortable camping site.  READ MORE...

Sunday, July 24

Consider Hydrogen

A hydrogen vehicle is a vehicle that uses hydrogen fuel for motive power. Hydrogen vehicles include hydrogen-fueled space rockets, as well as ships and aircraft. Power is generated by converting the chemical energy of hydrogen to mechanical energy, either by reacting hydrogen with oxygen in a fuel cell to power electric motors or, less commonly, by burning hydrogen in an internal combustion engine.

As of 2021, there are two models of hydrogen cars publicly available in select markets: the Toyota Mirai (2014–), which is the world's first mass-produced dedicated fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV), and the Hyundai Nexo (2018–). There are also fuel cell buses. Hydrogen aircraft are not expected to carry many passengers long haul before the 2030s at the earliest.

As of 2019, 98% of hydrogen is produced by steam methane reforming, which emits carbon dioxide.  It can be produced by electrolysis of water, or by thermochemical or pyrolytic means using renewable feedstocks, but the processes are currently expensive.  Various technologies are being developed that aim to deliver costs low enough, and quantities great enough, to compete with hydrogen production using natural gas.

The benefits of hydrogen technology are long range on a single refuelling. The drawbacks of hydrogen use are high carbon emissions when hydrogen is produced from natural gas, capital cost burden, low energy content per unit volume at ambient conditions, production and compression of hydrogen, the investment required to build refuelling infrastructure around the world to dispense hydrogen, and transportation of hydrogen.  SOURCE:  Wikipedia