Showing posts with label D-Wave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label D-Wave. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 26

Nuclear Quantum Computing

A trio of separate research teams from three different continents published individual papers indicating similar quantum computing breakthroughs yesterday. All three were funded in part by the US Army and each paper appears to be a slam dunk for the future of quantum computing.

But only one of them heralds the onset of the age of nuclear quantum computers.

Maybe it’s the whole concept of entanglement, but for a long time it’s felt like we were suspended in a state where functional quantum machines were both “right around the corner” and “decades or more away.”

But the past few years have seen a more rapid advancement toward functional quantum systems than most technologists could have imagined in their wildest dreams.

The likes of IBM, Microsoft, D-Wave, and Google putting hybrid quantum systems on the cloud coupled with the latter’s amazing time crystal breakthrough have made 2018-2021 the opening years of what promises to be a golden age for quantum computing.

Despite this amazing progress, there are still holdouts who believe we’ll never have a truly useful, fully-functional, qubit-based quantum computing system.

The main reason given by these cynics is usually because quantum systems are incredibly error-prone.  READ MORE...