Showing posts with label Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Church. Show all posts

Friday, April 2

My Faith

I was raised in a Christian home and we attended the United Methodist Church close to our home almost every Sunday without fail and our attendance included both Sunday School and Sunday Church Service.  I was baptized by my parents at a very young age and don't remember anything about the procedure...  so, 20 years ago, I was baptized again and was fully aware of the procedure and since it was in a Baptist Church, I was fully emerged in a tank of water.

After leaving high school my faith followed me even though I did not attend Church very often for one reason or another.  Once I was married, my wife and I attended an Episcopal Church which is not as odd as it sounds because we received free counseling if we attended on Sundays.

During my second marriage, my wife and I attended a Baptist Church and because of the Pastor and his enlightened religious philosophy and understanding and teachings, I decided to get baptized for a second time...  it was important to me that I made the decision rather than have that decision made for me by my parents.

The Pastor that baptized me was released from his contract with the Church because of receiving numerous DUI traffic violations.  While I did not intentionally put him on a pedestal, I did hold him in a position above everyone else and was incredibly disappointed. 

I have read the BIBLE cover-to-cover, took notes and copied passages on a CD for future reference and while I do not think about my faith everyday of the week but my faith is so embedded in my mind that it automatically follows me around everyday and allows me to appreciate the beauty all around me that has been created by our Creator.

Science tells me that our Universe was not created by our Creator that is was created by a BIG BANG and accelerated expansion probably from the explosion of a BLACK HOLE...  but, science cannot explain where all the matter inside this BLACK HOLE came from...  that is to say, did this stuff just appear out of nowhere...  and, this is where my faith comes in because it explains what science cannot explain.

AND...  while I had no idea after leaving high school where I would end up in life, my life was actually predetermined for me and while I made choices, these choices were orchestrated in such a way that I ended up where I am today...  in other words, I was supposed to end up here regardless of what I did to take me in another direction.

ALSO...  all my skills and natural abilities were given to me as a gift from our Creator.  I did not give myself these gifts nor did my parents...  so, they had to come from somewhere...  I am where I am for a reason...  and my purpose in life may not be shared with me but it will be made clear to me when it is appropriate...  until then, I just live my life.

Thursday, April 1

Do We Need Religious Institutions?


  1. You shall have no other Gods before me
  2. You shall not make for yourselves an idol
  3. You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God
  4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy
  5. Honor your father and your mother
  6. You shall not murder
  7. You shall not commit adultery
  8. You shall not steal
  9. You shall not give false testimony
  10. You shall not covet
Religious institutions put the ten commandment in their sermons that the clergy deliver to congregations over and over again in a variety of lessons and proverbs, etc. in the hopes that their congregations will finally follow Jesus' teachings...

But, why do we make the assumption that our congregations are intellectual void and cannot manage their own feelings and follow the ten commandments on their own without constant reminders?

I am an adult.
I am an educated adult.
I am a well educated adult.
I am a retired adult after working for 45 years.
I have read the Bible cover to cover.

Do I need to be constantly reminded by clergy that I should follow the Ten Commandments or do I think that I can remind myself and use my own personality to make sure that I adhere to the Ten Commandments?

If I can do this on my own...  why do I need to attend Church on Sundays?

It is said that there is fellowship going on in Church with like minded people...  and, while that may be true to some extent, my experience is that most of these people in Church that I saw behave in a completely different manner Monday through Saturday when not in Church...  consequently, I have no desire to fellowship with hypocrites...

My fellowship is completed with NATURE...  animals, the environment, rain showers, snow falls, spring flowers, birds of all shapes and sizes, sunsets and sunrises...  and all the fresh air that I can breathe into my lungs by living in the country.

I fellowship with God and His creations everyday...

It don't no better than that...