Showing posts with label Attitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attitude. Show all posts

Thursday, April 15

A New Perspective

For over 12 years I have been battling with non-Hodgkin's "B" cell Lymphoma or SLL (see my blog My Cancer Pilgrimage) and after 5-6 years of receiving monthly chemo infusions, my body contracted Melanoma that started on the bottom of my left foot, spread to the left area of my groin, then to the left area of my neck.  So, for 6-7 years I have been fighting off two cancers simultaneously.  Also about 12 years ago, I had a heart attack (not associated with my cancer treatments) that resulted in the recommendation to have a triple bypass but I went to NYC and had my arteries cleaned out and stents inserted...  5 stents in all.

I feel incredibly fortunate to have lived with cancer(s) for over a decade and I am still alive...  it must not be my time...  or someone or something is looking out for me...  it cannot just be coincidence...  that's too simplistic and melodramatic.

Each morning when I wake up and before I go to the bathroom, I sit on the side of the bed and just appreciate the fact that I actually woke up again.  This may not seem so special to you, the reader, but to me it is very special.  

In 2018, I had radiation treatments to slow down the spread of melanoma along with Opdivo infusions because the radiation was supposed to supercharge the Odivo...  which it did...  working perfectly...  and, several months later my Oncologist let it slip out that my cancer(s) had turned very aggressive and he was not sure if he was going to be to get them both under control...

I never knew this...  and, I am glad that I did not because my whole attitude would have changed and no doubt I would have gotten depressed, perhaps very depressed...  and, when one is fighting cancer, depression seems to make things worse.  ODD...  but a positive attitude actually helps fight the cancer sometimes.

But, each day is a blessing for me.

An appreciation of life.

A chance to see the beauty of life FREE OF CHARGE.