Life was never meant to be KIND, FAIR, or EQUAL. In fact, our own US Constitution, got it wrong when they said all men were created equal...
First, they did not recognize females and they damn sure did not understand equality because mankind is the farthest thing from equality as a society can get.
We have different:
- heights
- weights
- eye sight/hearing
- hair/eye colors
- physical abilities
- athletic abilities
- musical abilities
- mental abilities
- predisposition to diseases
- quality of teeth/internal organs
- mechanical skills
- math/science skill
- photographic memories
- game skills like chess
- breasts/phallic sizes
And yet there are people in this country who would have us belief that we ARE IN FACT EQUAL.
- We are all human that is true
- We are all either male or female
- We are all born and we all die
- We must eat, defecate, exercise, and sleep
- We must all have water to survive
- We must all grow
I am sure there are a few others, but you get the point... we are more different than equal.
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