Monday, October 7

Television Commercials

Commercials on television are necessary in that they pay for the programs that we, or some of us, want to watch.  The fees that these broadcast networks can charge is predicated upon the number of viewers that watch that particular show.

For instance, FOX NEWS, draws more viewers for news than the other stations like CBS, CNN, ABC, and MSNBC, so FOX can demand more money be paid to them for airing those commercials.

Therefore, broadcast networks are in constant competition with each other to increase their viewership so they can increase their ad revenues.

Even though the recent VP debate was aired on CBS and sold to other networks, more viewers watched the debate on FOX than they did on all the other networks.  Not sure why that happened but it did.

But let's get back to commercials.

Companies that pay broadcast companies to air their commercials, do so for one purpose and one purpose only and that is to sell their products to the viewers of that commercial.

Therefore, these commercials must be clever enough to capture your attention in the hopes that you will retain that information so that when you need a particular product or item, your memory will kick in and prompt you to buy this product because of what you remember.

But not necessarily because it is good or it works, or it provide quality at the lowest possible cost.

Commercials are intentionally designed not to just mislead you or deceive you by not giving you all the facts, but they are designed to GET YOU TO BUY WHAT YOU DON'T REALLY NEED OR WANT.

After you have watched a particular commercial, you might tell yourself, "I think I would like one of those.  Don't really need it, but it would be nice to have, I think."

Once, you start thinking like that, you will no doubt eventually buy the product...  of course, you will also tell your friends and encourage them to have one as well, so you both can play with what you have, if play is what the product was designed for.

Other products will put you in a better position to get the female that you always wanted, or the male.  When in reality that product does not really help at all.

You are left with a product you don't need, never needed actually, don't use anymore and never will, but these companies have your money.

If these companies can sell a million products to unsuspecting customers over and over again, there is no reason why they become extraordinarily wealthy, and you are left with debt because you overspent this month.

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