Thursday, October 3

Support the JEWS


Part of our Christianity, our Christian Belief systems, is to support the JEWS because, in the Bible, they are the chosen people of God.  However, the JEWISH faith DOES NOT BELIEVE that Jesus is our savior because they were expecting a WARRIOR SAVIOR.

So, Christians believe that one cannot get into heaven except through Jesus and the acceptance of Jesus as our savior since he died for our sins on the cross.

Because of this CONTRADICTION, I have yet to understand why Christians are so hell bent on saving JEWS because they are JEWS.

I believe that we should help the JEWS not because they are JEWS but because they need our help as the Islamic peoples of the Middle East want to destroy and annihilate them.

On the other side of the coin, the JEWS want to annihilate all the Arabs, Muslims, and those who believe in Islam.


While I am certainly not a Christian in the traditional sense of being a Christian (whatever that means) I am spiritual and believe in a Creator...  and because of that belief, I think ALL PEOPLE regardless of their beliefs or lack of beliefs have a right to co-exist on this planet earth.

I think that belief should extend into OUTER SPACE once we start colonizing planets.

Your RIGHT TO LIFE begins once you draw your first breath of air and should continue until you draw your last breath of air.

For those of the human race who do not believe in that concept, then they are living in the past and should be ignored.  Since these people will continue to rise up even when ignored, we should enclose them in a country stockade.  All of them, all together, where they cannot leave.  Nor can anyone enter.

The rest of the world will live a life of coexistence and be the better off for it.

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