Sunday, October 6

Our Spiritual Creator(s)


Sunday has always been a religious day for me, and to some extent, it still is, just not the way the rest of the religious world perceives it to be.

I am not convinced that CHRISTIANITY is the only religion in which to believe.  It is a myth and like all mythologies it has it roots in TRUTH.  It is this truth that does not hold up under scrutiny.

HOWEVER, what does hold up for me is the mythology of a CREATOR.

Now, while I believe that earth has a creator of sorts, I am still doubtful as to a creator of our UNIVERSE.

According to our laws of physics, matter cannot be created or destroyed but it can be changed from one form to another.  BUT...  this is our physics and our physics may not be accurate when it comes to the creation of the universe.

With that said, I still believe there was a CREATOR.

It is just that this creator is not the God that we worship in the Bible.  Creators don't create to be worshipped.  If they are that powerful, what will worshipping do for them?  Creators create because they can.

My creator would then be seen as an extremely advanced (scientifically) extraterrestrial or alien or space creature if you will.  I also that my creator and a race like my creator visited earth, millions of years ago, maybe before human beings were even around and CREATED US.

My creator visited earth several times in the past manipulating our DNA so that our evolution would be accelerated.  I have no idea why that needed to be done other than because it could be done.

There is nothing wrong with the stories in the Bible nor is there anything wrong with the TEN COMMANDMENTS because it is a damn fine template for any race of people to follow and/or by which to live.

Whatever happens here on earth was meant to happen without any direct involvement from these extraterrestrials because they want to study our evolution.  Why might they want to do this?  Well, with a universe as big as this one obviously is, my guess is that there are OTHER ENTITIES like human persons or maybe not like us at all, with which these extraterrestrials are designing.

Maybe these extraterrestrials look like us maybe they do not - it does not really matter - what matters is that we were created by them for SOME PURPOSE.  This purpose is not our own although we are led to believe that we have FREE WILL.

However, by believing in GOD, we, in essence, give up our FREE WILL, and do exactly what He says we should do, hence Jesus agreeing and/or accepting his role to die on the cross.  Jesus gave up his FREE WILL.

Why give FREE WILL, if you want your created people to give up their FREE WILL voluntarily?

As you can see, I have spent some time in REFLECTION...

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