Saturday, October 5

Downside of Passing Age 70


One morning, I wake up, get out of bed, and when I try to stand up my left leg gives out.  I hobble to the bathroom for my traditional morning pee, then out to the kitchen to give the cats their morning treat.

For two days, I am able to walk around but with a slight limp but on the third day, my knee is so weak that the only way I can walk is with a cane or some kind of counter support.

A visit to the clinic reveals that there is nothing wrong with my knee and that the pain is coming from just below the knee but there is nothing swollen around that area.  By the process of elimination, it must be a tendon below the knee that is either bruised or torn.

In a few days, I will have an ultrasound perform so see if that can reveal anything to prevent me from having to go through an MRI.  I have been placing cold packs on that area several times a day for 20-30 minutes and that seems to be helping.

I have a regular appointment scheduled with an Orthopedic doctor in a couple of weeks, and I will ask him to look at it then as well.  But again, if it is torn or bruised, there is nothing I can do short of surgery other than cold packs, elevation, and rest.

It could take several weeks for my knee area to get back to normal.

I am already dealing with two torn and retracted tendons in both shoulders and now my knee.  Torn or bruised, my knee will continue to give me problems once it has started.

The only part that really bothers me is the fact that I may not be able to weed eat the outside yard as I was doing, unless I can find some way to incorporate these injuries into that process.

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