Tuesday, October 8

Controlling Light

One of the most complex problems scientists face while working with quantum information is ensuring qubits remain protected. This is because every time they reset, measure, or delete even a single qubit, neighboring qubits can be damaged, leading to loss of information.

A new study from the University of Waterloo researchers proposes a solution to this problem. The study authors have devised a way to precisely control the laser light used to manipulate qubits.

They even performed an experiment to perform this almost impossible task. The experiment involved measuring and resetting a trapped ion qubit to a known state without causing any damage or disturbance to adjacent qubits located only a few micrometers away.

“This demonstration has the potential to significantly impact future research in the field, including advancing quantum processors, enhancing speed and capabilities for tasks like quantum simulations in machines that already exist today, and implementing error correction.” the study authors note.         READ MORE...

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