Sunday, October 13

All EYES on Trump


Ever since 2016 when the unexpected happened and Trump was elected by the Electoral College to become our President, the DEMOCRATS have gone BALLISTIC...

During the FOUR YEARs of his administration, the Democrats did everything in their power to get him REMOVED FROM OFFICE.

During the next four years of the Biden administration, the Democrats have tried everything in their power to have him convicted as a felon and thrown into PRISON.


  • Is Trump a TRAITOR to the USA
  • Is Trump in the pockets of China and Russia
  • Is Trump going to END DEMOCRACY
  • Is Trump just a POLITICAL LIAR
  • Is Trump too wealthy to be President
  • Is Trump going to destroy the middle class
  • Is Trump going to destroy our economy
  • Is Trump going to become a DICTATOR
  • Is Trump just another Hitler

If Donald Trump wanted to do any of these things mentioned above, don't you think he would have tried to do it during his first term in office, not his second?

None of these things happened during his first term in office, so why do the DEMOCRATS think these things will happen during his second term in office?

I understand that Trump is a conservative Republican but is that enough justification to FEAR THIS MAN?

my opinion is that something else is going on that interferes with the Democrat's plans.  These new plans are so intense that they have to hide their true intentions by destroying Trump.  They just don't want to STOP TRUMP; the Democrats want to DESTROY TRUMP like HAMAS wants to DESTROY THE JEWS.

When you have this kind of intensity in your thoughts, behaviors, words, and actions then there is something else that is going on that is more than likely more SINISTER.

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