Saturday, October 12

About Death


No one living likes to talk about death, not even when an elderly parent only has a few days to live.  Of course, there are exceptions, especially when that parent has been suffering for months or even years...  death is welcomed.

Parents, especially males, because of this fear of death and leaving the wife and children behind with no visible means of supports. takeout life insurance and while they now feel their family is protected, the only way that life insurance works is for them to die in the next couple of years.

But why do we fear death so much?

Death is an end to life and most of us really enjoy living but we all know that death is inevitable.

For those who are religious, they believe that when they die, they will spend the rest of eternity in heaven with God.

Perhaps they are right...  or perhaps they are wrong.  No one knows for sure...  This is why they have faith.

What will life in heaven be like?

No one knows for sure.

  • We can only speculate...
  • We will not have a body
  • We will not have a mind
  • We will never be sick
  • We will never need to eat

What we will be in unknown, but some believe that we will be in spirit form - the spirit form will be the essence of who we are or were.

Some believe in reincarnation so that we are reborn into the body of someone else or reborn into the body of an animal.

Some believe, we our atoms simply flow back into the universe or dissolve back into the ground.  This is not practical if our bodies are put into caskets and lowered into the ground.

It works if we are cremated.

Now what if you don't believe in religion but do believe in a CREATOR?

AND...  that this creator is an extraterrestrial?

AND...  that this extraterrestrial creator altered our DNA so that human beings would evolve the way they did rather than another way?

Does that mean that this extraterrestrial creator has possession of our souls (our essence or spirit)?

If they possess our SOULS, what do they do with our SOULS once we are dead?

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