Tuesday, January 17

World's Elite in the Swiss Alps

Yesterday, the world's elite gathered in Davos, Switzerland while a majority of the world's citizens worried about how to pay their bills over the winter.

Ever since the very first civilization was created, we have always had a group of elites who lived differently from the people over which they ruled.  It started with power and military might and gradually changed over to wealth as one group sold what the others needed.

The wealthy sold items like:  food, shelter, vehicles, clothes, shoes, pots and pans, cleaners, machinery, appliances, computers, computer chips, utilities, entertainment, etc.  Companies would buy out their competition allowing them to grow bigger and bigger.

Then those who purchased goods and services as they were able to generate more than they needed demanded more and more, allowing those companies to become wealthier and wealthier.

A American company moves down to Mexico and pays the worker $1 an hour which is twice what they were earning.  A year later, those same workers want $5 and hour.  The American company pays the increase but raises its prices to compensate.  The American company get wealthy in the process because most of their expenses remained the same and they were able to increase profits.

The Mexican worker did not care about what they were doing until the American company shut its doors because their labor costs were too high...  The Mexicans went back to $.50/hour and cussed the American company.

Not everybody is a farmer...  but damn near everybody has to buy food from a farmer if they want to survive...  The farmer gets wealthy...  and that's how it works.

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