Tuesday, January 10

Who Are The Republicans Trying to Fool???

The Republican Party has spent the last week posturing among themselves for power that they appear to have lost sight of what they have been elected to do...

All this has done is given more power to the Democrats and Mainstream Media that the GOP hasn't got the slightest idea how to govern or what is best for the American People.

Fighting for power is not a very good sign of UNITY...  nor does it convey the fact that during the next two years, the GOP will spend more time fighting among itself than trying to pass legislation...

Two months from now when the House Freedom Caucus does not like what their party is doing in the House, are they going to play games again and pull off another power struggle or maybe propose that the Speaker should be replaced?

While I don't like the Democrat's plan of action...  at least they have a plan of action and are united...

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