Thursday, January 12

What May Happen

 I am no mind reader nor am I a forecaster nor am I much of anything other than being retired, but I can speculate on what might happen in this country of ours, after living for 75 years.

First of all, while the GOP has the majority in the House, they do not control the Senate nor do they control the Whitehouse...   THEREFORE, very little if anything will get accomplished over the next two years.

Second, the GOP majority in the House will be holding hearings on all kinds of stuff that the Democrats have tried to HIDE, and the best that will be accomplished there will be convincing the mainstream media to publish any of it...   My guess is that they will ignore most of it, and downplay the rest, always drawing back to the terrible days of Trump.

Third, inflation ain't going anywhere and if anything, it will get worse before it gets better...  this means get ready to pay higher and higher prices for all the shit that you think you need and cannot do without.

Fourth, illegal immigration will continue to increase over the next two years, regardless of the pressure that the GOP led House tries to place on the Senate and the Whitehouse...   however, it will take a couple of years before some of the UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES of this illegal immigration begin to play out.  Unintended consequences ALWAYS bite people in the ass harder than they anticipate.

Fifth, while the USA is playing around with the concept of going green by destroying oil and gas production in favor of wind and solar, the rest of the world is giving us the middle finger because they ain't doing shit to save the planet and they won't do shit, because it will hurt their economies.

Sixth, by the time Biden leaves office in 2024, Robots will be taking jobs away big time in the USA as they are already in the far east.  Businesses can cut labor cost long term by replacing workers with robots and 2024 will be the year that we really start to see this play out.   Question:  How will workers pay their bills if their jobs are replaced by robots?

Seventh, our education system K-12 will continue to worsen because all our PhD Educators think that K-12 should prepare students to go to college rather than prepare them to go to work.  Not all jobs will be college graduate jobs unfortunately.  Educators will not be able to identify with students as they force them to make high marks on certified tests and not teach them to RETAIN KNOWLEDGE.

Eighth, as the Dems continue to put money into social programs and green programs and not increase money to the military, the USA will end up with an obsolete military force in the next two years, not to mention a piss poor space program.  Believe it or not, CHINA is doing the exact opposite with their space and military programs.  Question:  What do you think they know that we do not?

Nineth, racism will worsen in the USA and the Dems try to push their equality and equity programs.  What these Dems fail to realize is that not everyone is handsome or attractive.  Not everyone is gifted athletically, musically, artistically, or mentally...  and, to try to create equity is going to be like spitting in the wind and it is going to piss a lot of people off.

Tenth, the frigging BILLIONAIRES will continue to get wealthier and wealthier as prices increase and people continue to buy shit that they don't really need, but TV commercials have convinced them they need.  That greed will continue to destroy the middle class and the wealthy are laughing at us because we are so stupid.  If we could control our greed, they could not increase their wealth.

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