Wednesday, January 18

Teach Your Children Well

Opinions are like assholes, everybody has got one...  and I am no exception...  most of my opinions people do not agree with but sometimes I made a comment or two that resound with people and they support my thoughts but those times are rare...

On January 16, 1919, booze by Congressional Law was banned in the United States and guess what happened?  Over 80% of Americans broke the law in one way or another simply because they did not like the law and refused to obey it...

CIVIL DISOBEDIANCE is the term that refers to these characters...

It seems that the USA has a history or disobeying laws they do not really care for or support.  In other words, Americans always find a way around the law, sometimes legal and sometimes not so legal...  but the law is ignored nonetheless.

What do parents tell their children when that happens???

Parents support the breaking of laws but only when the are breaking it.  They teach their children it is ok to break the law if and when you do not agree with it.

How many of us take pens and paper home from work?

Do we ask our bosses if we can do this?  NO...

Do we brag about it to our friends and neighbors?  YES...

Do we get upset when people steal from us?  YES...

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