Saturday, January 21

No Respect for Law Enforcement

In the 1960s, teenage drivers, like myself, played a cat and mouse game with the law enforcement that patrolled our cities and interstate highways.

They installed radar in their vehicles and we purchased radar detectors made by the same company...  Capitalism at its best...

Some of us did not have radar detectors so we had to develop a keen eye for where they might be hiding...  and, when he spotted a HIDER, we would blink our lights to warn unaware traffic that they were there.

I remember on the interstate, these highway patrol would hide in the grassy valley between the two highways going in separate directions, and the only way that I could spot them was to see the sun's reflection off their antennas.

Unmarked cars were more difficult but they could still be detected because of the typical model they purchased, until they started buying cars were not typical like Mustangs.  Now, they are easily spotted.

Back in the 60s, only teenagers, young adults, and mature adults who felt they had a right to drive fast so as not to spend that much time driving, especially if they driving at night, broke the speed limit laws.

In 2000 until present, EVERYONE breaks the speed limit laws when there is no enforcement around.  When there is, only ONE can get caught, so drivers take their chances...

These speeders are male, female, old, young, single, married, clergy, etc...  it no longer matters, everyone breaks the law and gives the middle finger to law enforcement.

Drivers get themselves in packs on the interstate and the highway patrol does not have the manpower to stop them all.  So, they either get the last one in line or stop the one who is trying to get into the pack.

With all this disrespect for the law, it makes sense that we have a problem with ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION...



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